August 4, 2011

The World is Living Dangerously to Armageddon?!!! - Conclusion

Corollary to the worldwide suspicion and hostility accorded to the United States by many Islamic people who have regarded the US as protector of oppressive rulers, the description of the Norwegian killer-bomber Anders Behring Breivik as a Christian terrorist reportedly made by TV host of HBO show "Real Time" on Friday, July 29, 2011, may add fuel to such enmity. I remember reading somewhere that Breivik professed some anti-Islam sentiments which tarnished the reputation of Norway as a neutral mediator in some conflicts between countries. This connotation will certainly encourage Islamic militants to aggressively advance their violent hate campaign against non-Islamic peoples.

Some Islamic radicals are vigorously asserting the existence of a Judeo-Christian conspiracy rather an alliance to subjugate the Islamic world, virtually a reenactment of the Crusaders' campaign to liberate the Holy Land from the rule of the Saracens. Due to the

strong US-Israel ties, many Islamists dubbed the United States derogatively as the Great White Devil that must be annihilated at all times. Thus, Al Qaeda and other similar Islamic groups have wielded immense influence among their brethren anywhere around the globe. They are even professing solidarity and support for Islamists whose protests in such countries under oppressive rulers had succeeded in change of leadership like in Egypt, Yemen, etc.

In our highly volatile and violent world, the United States, as the lone superpower, has unilaterally assumed the role of International Policeman with the grudging support of its Western allies and sometimes the United Nations after some time-consuming and heated debates. Unfortunately, American forces and resources were spread thin and wide in its involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq where US soldiers will be gradually pulled out while its avowed pacification mission seems destined to fail in the face of growing Islamic militancy worldwide. Indeed, as much as it pains this Blogger to admit, conflagration, political or otherwise, may flare up in many parts of the world which if uncontrolled, dire predictions will occur.  The beginning of Armageddon, let's pray it's not for the sake of the present and succeeding generations.      


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