Many despots, dictators, rulers or prominent personalities in the world deigned to ignore the absolute truth that history repeats itself. Of course, they did it on their own peril which oftentimes resulted to widespread catastrophe with far reaching repercussion. For instance, Germany started World War I, yet the German people disregarded history and allowed Adolf Hitler, an Austrian born German politician, to manipulate them in launching World War II. Wilhelm II, the last German emperor, started World War I in support of Austria, whose Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian national. Emperor Wilhelm II was an ineffective war leader and lost the support of the army. He abdicated the throne and fled to exile in the Netherlands.
Adolf Hitler, as the leader of the Nazi party, became the Chancellor of Germany and head of state or Fuhrer. He was instrumental in the rise of fascism in Europe and started World War
II. His German forces and European allies succeeded occupying most of Europe and North Africa from 1939 to 1944 where the Allied armies liberated German-occupied Europe.
II. His German forces and European allies succeeded occupying most of Europe and North Africa from 1939 to 1944 where the Allied armies liberated German-occupied Europe.
Hitler gained notoriety in the systematic murder of 17 million civilians which included some 6 million Jews in the historical monstrosity of the HOLOCAUST. In the Battle of Berlin, Hitler and his mistress, Eva Braun, committed suicide to evade capture by the Russians. The German people, wittingly or unwittingly, supported Hitler in his unspeakable crimes against humanity.
Germany suffered the pain and tribulation of seeing and living in a country divided into two, the East, under the influence of Communist Russia, and the West, aided by the occupying Western powers to be a thriving economy. Thus, Divine Justice or the Law of Karma severely punished the German people for the sins of their leaders in being the principal perpetrators of two World Wars where East Germany was a poor comparison to their kins of West Germany, which grew to be a leading economic power in Europe.
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